About Us
Buffalo Nutrition started its life at 132 Crickelwood Broadway, North West London, and has remained there to form strong bonds with the local communities, gyms and personal trainers.
The fitness nutrition and supplement industry has changed drastically over the past 10 years and Buffalo Nutrition has always strived to be at the forefront.
Buffalo Nutrition is not just a store that sells run of the mill health foods, like so many others do, which simply advertise "Whey Protein, now Half-Price" every summer, but the only one with a team that is deeply committed to providing a whole range of nutritional products to cater to the requirements of an every-growing and discerning clientele.
Buffalo Nutrition is extremely serious in its goal of providing for your requirements for not only the best nutritional products that are available in the market today but also the best value and competitive prices.
Over the years that Buffalo Nutrition has been in operation, it has studiously followed the trends in health supplements and sought the opinions and experience of those who have been taking them on a regular basis. We have researched and investigated the various products and have come to identify many common denominators upons which our clients have based their requirements.
Buffalo have traditionally been, and still are, used as working farm animals. Now, we can't do the work for you, but we can certainly help you on your way to achieve your goals. Our clients are not just "customers" but have become our friends with whom we have been able to exchange experiences on and results from the nutritional products that we have all taken.
We hope that you will take the time to browse through our website and are always welcome to your comments, suggestions and recommendations and we promise that we shall always respond to any queries you may have, either regarding one of our products but also any advice you require.
Please do not hesitate contact use by email, facebook, twitter, telephone or just come to our store for a friendly chat.
To all of you, from the team at Buffalo Nutrition - Thank you and Happy eCommerce!
Yousaf Uddin
Buffalo General
Behind the scenes
2000 Buffalo Nutrition opens it's doors to the public
2016 Buffalo Nutrition Refurbishes their flagship store in Cricklewood